Miss these days when music was so pure and the audience was held rapt by the talent. People weren't jumping all over like fools and voices weren't messed up electronically. I don't need Lady Gaga's costumes and Madonna's ego. This is what we all need back :) I was 12 when I was at this show. I had no idea how lucky I was that my parents brought me. I complained all night, but secretly loved it. They gave me my good taste in music. Love you Mom and Dad.
mikeymolly1 16 horas atrás
Como é "bonitinho" o filhinho de Papai e Mamãe... que, a estas horas, deve-se estar a "empanturrar" com uns Valentes MC... "qualquer coisa"...!!! LINDINHO...!!!
Posted by 1lindomenino Dated18jun2011